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Cookie 5 9 2 – Protect Your Online Privacy

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To protect your privacy on the web, you need to learn about the cookie controls provided in your browser. You should also investigate some specialized tools that can control all cookie types. Unfortunately, however, even if you do make the effort to control cookies, there is little that you can currently do to protect against cookie-less. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and was designed to harmonise data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens data privacy and to reshape the way organisations across the region approach data privacy. To comply with new EU regulations, which come into force on May 25th 2018, Delia Online. In recent years, the usage and complexity of browser cookies has increased significantly while going largely unnoticed by most users. In this post we'll summarize how cookies are used to gather information about you and what you can do to minimize this invasive monitoring. Learn how to manage web cookies to protect your online privacy.

Articles in this section. 2.1 Insert the Consent Pop-up in the source code; 2.17 How to show a consent pop-up to all visitors - Push for consent; 2.2 How to use the renew consent pop-up icon. Serve you with online advertisements that we believe are relevant to you and your interest (as described in clause 4, item 2, unless you opt out) (9) For any other reasons required to provide the Service and/or Ancillary Service in relation with the above (1) - (8).


Please click here for our Thermal Imaging Camera Privacy Notice which should be read in conjunction with the Privacy Notice set out below.

The Walker Morris Group, comprising Walker Morris LLP (we/us/our) and Walker Morris Resources Limited is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This Privacy and Cookies Notice (Notice) (together with our Terms of Use, terms of business and any other documents referred to within them) set out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us and the purpose for our collection of it. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

References to we/us/our in this Notice will also include Walker Morris Resources Limited when used in relation to our processing of our employee data.

Data protection

For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 2018 (the Act) and the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR), Walker Morris LLP is the data controller of your personal information and is entered in the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) Register of Data Controllers with registration number Z3377061. For employees only, Walker Morris Resources Limited is also a data controller of your personal information and is entered in the ICO Register of Data Controllers with registration number Z6629971.

This Notice explains how we may collect and process personal data about:

  • clients and prospective clients
  • visitors to our Website and subscribers to our online services
  • job and work experience applicants and current employees

Depending on our relationship with you this notice may be supplemented with additional information relating to our use of your personal data included for example in our Terms of Business and Terms of Engagement letter (for clients) and our applicant form and employment contract (for job applicants and employees).

What personal information do we collect and why do we collect it?

We may collect and process the personal information about you including information: Onyx boox livingstone.

  • that you provide by filling in forms on our Website, posting material, requesting further services or reporting a problem with our Website
  • that you provide when you use our professional services as a client
  • received in correspondence that you send to us
  • provided to us as part of a job or student placement application you make
  • received during certain calls to and from us (see under ‘Call Recording' below)
  • concerning your visits to our Website (including but not limited to traffic data) and the resources that you access

We may also collect information about you in other ways, for example:

  • if you are a customer of one of our clients, and we are undertaking legal services on our client's behalf
  • if you have any other dealings with one or more of our clients which are related to legal services which we are providing to our client or on our client's behalf
  • indirectly, through one of our people, a client or a third party
  • if you are a supplier of ours, from that supplier relationship
  • from publicly available sources, for example the electoral roll or Companies House
  • from third party data sources, including databases, where they have a legal basis for providing information to us
  • where you attend events or functions that are organised or sponsored by us, including where images of you are captured by photography or videography during such events or functions

How we use your personal data

The way we process your personal data we collect as set out above varies depending on our relationship with you. In each case the purposes for which we request the information will be clear from the context in which it is acquired. These include:

  • providing our services to you or an entity for which you work
  • verifying your identity
  • keeping a record of the services you have subscribed to and deliver services you may have requested
  • administration, billing and record-keeping purposes
  • communicating with you by telephone, email, fax or post
  • meeting our legal, regulatory and contractual obligations arising from any our relationship with you (for example under anti-money laundering legislation)
  • providing and improving customer service and support
  • administering our Website, enhancing operational capabilities and for internal operations
  • verifying or enforcing compliance with this Notice and applicable laws
  • to inform you of legal developments that may affect you or to inform you of other products, services or events which we think may be of interest to you (unless you have opted out of receiving such marketing communications)

Disclosure of your personal data

We will only disclose your personal information to another person or organisation where we:

  • need to share the information to provide a product or service you have requested
  • need to send the information to persons or organisations who engage us to conduct legal services on their behalf, including where you are that third party's customer
  • need to send the information to persons or organisations that work on our behalf to provide a product or service to you. Where such a person or organisation does work on our behalf we will ensure that they are contractually required to take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal information against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal information and only use the information in order to provide a product or service on our behalf
  • are required to disclose the information in order to comply with the law or the requirements of a regulatory authority

Our legal basis for using your personal data

Our use of your personal data as outlined above is subject to different legal bases for processing, including where necessary for:

  • the purposes of the performance of any contract we enter into with you or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you
  • our legitimate interests, for example in providing legal services to an entity you work for, managing and monitoring our website operation, preventing fraud and for our business compliance purposes
  • compliance with our legal and regulatory responsibilities.

If you do not agree to provide your personal data to us we may not be able to provide you with legal services or process your application for other services or employment. Where our use of your data is not necessary for one of the purposes outlined above we may use it in a particular way with your consent (for example if you have registered to attend an event we are hosting or to receive legal updates). Where we ask for your consent you are free to refuse our use of your personal data for those purposes and you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us using the details set out below. This shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing that was based on your consent before you withdrew it.

Call recording

As a law firm our work is largely regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. We are often engaged by businesses that provide financial services that are in turn themselves regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the FCA). As part of our legal work on their behalf, we are required to follow certain FCA rules, including recording telephone calls in respect of certain customer transactions that we deal with. We may share any customer call recordings with the relevant financial services business of which you are, or may previously have been, a customer. This recording is undertaken for regulatory compliance, training and quality purposes.

Storage and transfer of your personal data

The personal information that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or one of our suppliers or in circumstances where your instruction has international considerations and/or parties related to your matter are located overseas. Before we transfer your personal data outside the EEA we will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that any such transfer is made securely and that there is adequate protection in place in order to protect your personal data, as required by the Act and Chapter V of the GDPR. Please contact us if you wish to obtain more information regarding relevant safeguards. By submitting your personal information you agree to this transfer, storing or processing outside the EEA.

Retention of your personal data

We will retain your personal information for a minimum of six years and so long as is reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it was obtained and in accordance with our legal obligations and follow our data destruction policy and processes thereafter.

Links to other websites

This Notice only extends to our Website, which is owned and operated by Walker Morris LLP and does not, therefore, extend to your use of, provision of information to and collection of information on any website not connected to Walker Morris LLP to which you may link by using the hypertext links within our Website.

Your rights

Your personal information is protected under data protection law and you have a number of rights (see below) which you can seek to exercise. Please contact us in writing, by email or telephone using the details shown under ‘Contact and Complaints' below if you wish to do so, or if you have any queries in relation to your rights. Please note these rights do not apply in all circumstances.

Right of access – subject to certain exceptions, you have the right of access to your personal data that we hold.

Right to rectify your personal information – if you discover that the information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have this information rectified (i.e. corrected).

Right to be forgotten – you may ask us to delete information we hold about you in certain circumstances. This right is not absolute and it may not be possible for us to delete the information we hold about you, for example, if we have an ongoing contractual relationship or are required to retain information to comply with our legal obligations.

Right to restriction of processing – in some cases you may have the right to have the processing of your personal information restricted. For example, where you contest the accuracy of your personal information, its use may be restricted until the accuracy is verified.

Right to object to processing – you may object to the processing of your personal information (including profiling) when it is based upon our legitimate interests. You may also object to the processing of your personal information for the purposes of direct marketing and for the purposes of statistical analysis.

Right to data portability – you have the right to receive, move, copy or transfer your personal information to another controller when we are processing your personal information based on consent or on a contract and the processing is carried out by automated means.

IP addresses

We may collect information about your computer, including where available your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and to collect aggregate information for us to use. This is statistical data about our users' browsing actions and patterns, and does not identify any individual.


Cookie 5 9 2 – Protect Your Online Privacy Concerns

  • that you provide by filling in forms on our Website, posting material, requesting further services or reporting a problem with our Website
  • that you provide when you use our professional services as a client
  • received in correspondence that you send to us
  • provided to us as part of a job or student placement application you make
  • received during certain calls to and from us (see under ‘Call Recording' below)
  • concerning your visits to our Website (including but not limited to traffic data) and the resources that you access

We may also collect information about you in other ways, for example:

  • if you are a customer of one of our clients, and we are undertaking legal services on our client's behalf
  • if you have any other dealings with one or more of our clients which are related to legal services which we are providing to our client or on our client's behalf
  • indirectly, through one of our people, a client or a third party
  • if you are a supplier of ours, from that supplier relationship
  • from publicly available sources, for example the electoral roll or Companies House
  • from third party data sources, including databases, where they have a legal basis for providing information to us
  • where you attend events or functions that are organised or sponsored by us, including where images of you are captured by photography or videography during such events or functions

How we use your personal data

The way we process your personal data we collect as set out above varies depending on our relationship with you. In each case the purposes for which we request the information will be clear from the context in which it is acquired. These include:

  • providing our services to you or an entity for which you work
  • verifying your identity
  • keeping a record of the services you have subscribed to and deliver services you may have requested
  • administration, billing and record-keeping purposes
  • communicating with you by telephone, email, fax or post
  • meeting our legal, regulatory and contractual obligations arising from any our relationship with you (for example under anti-money laundering legislation)
  • providing and improving customer service and support
  • administering our Website, enhancing operational capabilities and for internal operations
  • verifying or enforcing compliance with this Notice and applicable laws
  • to inform you of legal developments that may affect you or to inform you of other products, services or events which we think may be of interest to you (unless you have opted out of receiving such marketing communications)

Disclosure of your personal data

We will only disclose your personal information to another person or organisation where we:

  • need to share the information to provide a product or service you have requested
  • need to send the information to persons or organisations who engage us to conduct legal services on their behalf, including where you are that third party's customer
  • need to send the information to persons or organisations that work on our behalf to provide a product or service to you. Where such a person or organisation does work on our behalf we will ensure that they are contractually required to take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal information against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal information and only use the information in order to provide a product or service on our behalf
  • are required to disclose the information in order to comply with the law or the requirements of a regulatory authority

Our legal basis for using your personal data

Our use of your personal data as outlined above is subject to different legal bases for processing, including where necessary for:

  • the purposes of the performance of any contract we enter into with you or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you
  • our legitimate interests, for example in providing legal services to an entity you work for, managing and monitoring our website operation, preventing fraud and for our business compliance purposes
  • compliance with our legal and regulatory responsibilities.

If you do not agree to provide your personal data to us we may not be able to provide you with legal services or process your application for other services or employment. Where our use of your data is not necessary for one of the purposes outlined above we may use it in a particular way with your consent (for example if you have registered to attend an event we are hosting or to receive legal updates). Where we ask for your consent you are free to refuse our use of your personal data for those purposes and you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us using the details set out below. This shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing that was based on your consent before you withdrew it.

Call recording

As a law firm our work is largely regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. We are often engaged by businesses that provide financial services that are in turn themselves regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the FCA). As part of our legal work on their behalf, we are required to follow certain FCA rules, including recording telephone calls in respect of certain customer transactions that we deal with. We may share any customer call recordings with the relevant financial services business of which you are, or may previously have been, a customer. This recording is undertaken for regulatory compliance, training and quality purposes.

Storage and transfer of your personal data

The personal information that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or one of our suppliers or in circumstances where your instruction has international considerations and/or parties related to your matter are located overseas. Before we transfer your personal data outside the EEA we will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that any such transfer is made securely and that there is adequate protection in place in order to protect your personal data, as required by the Act and Chapter V of the GDPR. Please contact us if you wish to obtain more information regarding relevant safeguards. By submitting your personal information you agree to this transfer, storing or processing outside the EEA.

Retention of your personal data

We will retain your personal information for a minimum of six years and so long as is reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it was obtained and in accordance with our legal obligations and follow our data destruction policy and processes thereafter.

Links to other websites

This Notice only extends to our Website, which is owned and operated by Walker Morris LLP and does not, therefore, extend to your use of, provision of information to and collection of information on any website not connected to Walker Morris LLP to which you may link by using the hypertext links within our Website.

Your rights

Your personal information is protected under data protection law and you have a number of rights (see below) which you can seek to exercise. Please contact us in writing, by email or telephone using the details shown under ‘Contact and Complaints' below if you wish to do so, or if you have any queries in relation to your rights. Please note these rights do not apply in all circumstances.

Right of access – subject to certain exceptions, you have the right of access to your personal data that we hold.

Right to rectify your personal information – if you discover that the information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have this information rectified (i.e. corrected).

Right to be forgotten – you may ask us to delete information we hold about you in certain circumstances. This right is not absolute and it may not be possible for us to delete the information we hold about you, for example, if we have an ongoing contractual relationship or are required to retain information to comply with our legal obligations.

Right to restriction of processing – in some cases you may have the right to have the processing of your personal information restricted. For example, where you contest the accuracy of your personal information, its use may be restricted until the accuracy is verified.

Right to object to processing – you may object to the processing of your personal information (including profiling) when it is based upon our legitimate interests. You may also object to the processing of your personal information for the purposes of direct marketing and for the purposes of statistical analysis.

Right to data portability – you have the right to receive, move, copy or transfer your personal information to another controller when we are processing your personal information based on consent or on a contract and the processing is carried out by automated means.

IP addresses

We may collect information about your computer, including where available your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and to collect aggregate information for us to use. This is statistical data about our users' browsing actions and patterns, and does not identify any individual.


Cookie 5 9 2 – Protect Your Online Privacy Concerns

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are created and stored on your browser or the hard drive of your computer by websites that you visit. Cookies are often placed on your computer to enable the website to operate properly, to ‘remember' who you are, and to monitor website traffic and usage. Cookies are generally only visible to the website that serves them and not to other websites.

How to manage cookies

Most internet browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can accept, delete or disable cookies through your browser if you wish. To learn more about controlling the placement of cookies through your browser settings, please review the options available in your internet browser's ‘Help' menu, or alternatively visit the IAB website.

To ensure that you have maximum control over how cookies are placed on your computer, we also operate a cookie banner which appears when you first visit our Website, but can also always be accessed through the dedicated link at the bottom of the homepage. This enables you to set your preferences with respect to certain cookies used in connection with the operation of the Website. For more detailed information about the specific types of cookies used, please read the section below.

Cookies we use

Cookies are used on our Website and our Extranet sites for different reasons. Sometimes cookies are necessary for the operation of the site, for example to ensure its security, or to ‘remember' your Cookie preference information so that we can make sure those preferences apply to your next visit. Other cookies may serve a different purpose, for example to provide analysis of how the site is used and to improve functionality for users.

Unless strictly necessary for the functioning of the site or for the transmission of communications, we will only place cookies where you have previously provided your consent. If you do not provide your consent then you can still access and use our the site, however certain functions or features may be disabled which could negatively affect your user experience.

Our Website only uses the following types of cookies:

Wordfence cookie: Wordfence uses cookies for security protection, it uses them in three ways: to uniquely identify visitors shown in Wordfence Live traffic; to track a user who was previously logged into WordPress but has logged out to ensure that Falcon cache does not show that user cached pages; if a user has visited a unique page that allows them to bypass country blocking a cookie is set to identify that user so that country blocking does not prevent them from viewing the site.

Policy read cookie: Cookie_policy_read: this cookie is used to track whether the user has visited the site before so the cookie notification panel does not appear automatically during future sessions.

Google analytics: _utma; _utmb; _utmc; _utmt; _utmz: these cookies are used to collect anonymous information about how visitors use our Website, including the number of visitors, where they came from and the pages they visited. We use this information to compile reports and to help us improve our Website. Click here for an overview of privacy at Google. Google Analytics' terms require us to disclose that we use Google Analytics and how it collects and processes data. Please see the site 'How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps' at for more information.

Siteimprove cookie: nmstat: this cookie is used to collect anonymous information about how our visitors use our Website, including the number of visitors, where they came from and the pages they visited. We use this information to compile reports and to help us improve our Website.

Google translate cookie: googtrans: this cookie is used to set and store the language you have selected with the Google translate tool. The cookie means you don't have to set the language every time you navigate to a different page.

Our Extranet sites only use the following types of cookies:

Essential site cookie: ASP.NET_SessionID: this cookie is set upon arrival and collects anonymous information which is used to maintain your browsing session. This cookie is deleted when you close your browser. Visit the Microsoft website for further information on ASP.NET Cookies.

Google reCAPTCHA: these cookies are necessary for the security of our site and are used to ensure that logon credentials have been entered by a human and not by automated software. Some of the data collected by reCAPTCHA cookies is provided to Google. Click here for an overview of privacy at Google and to learn more about these cookies.

Open detection pixel: our email marketing system, Tikit, uses an Open Detection Pixel. This pixel allows for opened emails/accessed links to be registered in the database when an email is fully opened within Outlook. This will store the open result for the contact in our email marketing system database for reporting purposes.

Cookie 5 9 2 – Protect Your Online Privacy Screens

LinkedIn Insight Tag: The LinkedIn Insight Tag enables the collection of data regarding LinkedIn members' visits to our website, including the URL, referrer, IP address, device and browser characteristics (User Agent), and timestamp. LinkedIn does not share the personal data, it only provides reports (which do not identify you) about the website audience and ad performance. LinkedIn members can control the use of their personal data for advertising purposes through their account settings.


Walker Morris sometimes advertises products, services and vacancies on third party websites such as LinkedIn. To enable us to target and monitor such advertising we use cookies from those third parties on our websites to tell us which pages you've clicked on and interacted with. Each third party website uses its own tracking cookies. These cookies are not under our control so if you are on any third party websites which carry advertisements or otherwise promote Walker Morris, you should check their cookie policies for details of how you can manage your cookie preferences. If you don't want to be shown targeted advertising, some third party sites allow you to request not to see messages from specific advertisers.


Walker Morris LLP takes great care to ensure the security of our Website and your personal information. Only authorised personnel and contractors have access to your information. We will keep your information secure by taking appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage. We are also Information Security ISO27001 certified.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal information we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to our Website; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

Changes to this Notice

We may change this Notice at any time by amending this page. You are expected to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes we have made, as they are binding on you. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will notify you by posting a prominent notice on our Website.

Contact & complaints

If you have any questions about how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy, or if you have any comments or wish to seek to exercise any of your rights as outlined above, to opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us or to complain about our use of your personal data, please write to Tracy Foley at Walker Morris LLP, 33 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL, by email at or by telephone on +44 (0)113 283 2500.

Cookie 5 9 2 – Protect Your Online Privacy Screen

You may also lodge a complaint with the ICO by writing to the Information Commissioner's Office, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF telephone 0303 123 1113.

This website, (our Website) is provided by Walker Morris LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales.

Cookie 5 9 2 – Protect Your Online Privacy Fence

All rights reserved. Design and content © Walker Morris LLP 2005-2020.

Last updated: 14 July 2020

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