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If Crashes When Opening Phases

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Aspen will 'reuse' the last state to start the next simulation. When a case crashes, this is usually not desirable. To reinitialize, use the ' phase behavior of the systems in your design. The effort made by the project team during the whole project life cycle doesn't end after the project executing process group.After finishing the actual work of the project, you should be also aware that there's a phase called the project closing process, as mentioned in PMP certification training.

The ability of businesses to support social distancing will be one of the key indicators to determine when California can lift its stay-at-home order, Gov. Gavin Newsom said April 14.

If Crashes When Opening Phases Today

That likely also will be true in Oregon and Washington, which are working with California to develop a shared approach, and probably in many other states.

Meanwhile, the White House on April 16 issued new guidance for reopening businesses. But President Donald Trump said decisions would be made by governors.


It should be easier for furniture stores than for many other kinds of businesses to meet social distancing objectives – and it's important for them to explain why, both to customers and to state and local government leaders. The argument can help them win approval to be among the first businesses to resume operations.

If Crashes When Opening Phases

It should be easier for furniture stores than for many other kinds of businesses to meet social distancing objectives – and it's important for them to explain why, both to customers and to state and local government leaders. The argument can help them win approval to be among the first businesses to resume operations.

Newsom said that the statewide stay-at-home order that took effect March 19 has helped 'flatten the curve' in California. However, shutting most businesses has also impacted the economy, poverty and overall health care in California.

‘Things will look different than before'

'While Californians have stepped up in a big way to flatten the curve and buy us time to prepare to fight the virus, at some point in the future we will need to modify our stay-at-home order,' Newsom said. 'As we contemplate reopening parts of our state, we must be guided by science and data, and we must understand that things will look different than before.'

He outlined six indicators, rather than a timeline, that will determine when modifying the stay-at-home order will be possible:

  • The ability to monitor and protect our communities through testing, contact tracing, isolating, and supporting those who are positive or exposed.
  • The ability to prevent infection in people who are at risk for more severe COVID-19.
  • The ability of the hospital and health systems to handle surges.
  • The ability to develop therapeutics to meet the demand.
  • The ability for businesses, schools, and child-care facilities to support physical distancing.
  • The ability to determine when to reinstitute certain measures, such as the stay-at-home orders, if necessary.

Ohio's governor looks at similar criteria

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is taking a similar approach. He announced April 16 his intention to start reopening businesses by May 1. But that is conditional.

DeWine said the state would initially implement the plan with companies that demonstrate the ability to safely reopen under guidelines: employees wearing masks, deeper sanitization protocols and more distancing.

'We must get Ohio's economy moving again,' he said. 'We must get people back to work. We're looking to begin this process on May 1. We've got a lot more work to do between now and May 1 because we want to get this right.' He warned of 'horrendous' consequences of not getting that right.

What you should do when your store reopens

Furniture stores can demonstrate their ability to operate with reasonable precautions in place. The Home Furnishings Association recently published a letter written to policymakers by Kurt L. Darrow, chairman, president and CEO of HFA member La-Z-Boy Incorporated, suggesting how this can work.

'Furniture retail stores could also be included within the first wave of businesses allowed to reopen this month if they manage the number of individuals within the store at any time – which is an approach some states are taking now during the peak of the pandemic. These retailers could easily be required to meet the following standards:

  • Health and safety protocols.
  • Hourly disinfecting protocols.
  • Hand sanitizer available to employees and guests to encourage hygiene.
  • Frequent cleaning of high-touch items like door handles, credit card terminals, computers/tablets, etc.
  • Temperature screening for team members.
  • Social distancing protocols and posting signage with protocols and reminders to employees and guests.
  • No-touching policy (no handshakes, hugs, or other close contact).
  • Limiting the number of guests allowed into the store based on the square footage of the establishment – for example: Stores with less than 7,500 square feet limit the number of customers in the store at one time to five; stores with more than 7,500 square feet but less than 25,000 square feet limit the number of customers in the store at one time to 10; stores with more than 25,000 square feet but less than 50,000 square feet limit the number of customers in the store at one time to 50; stores with more than 50,000 square feet but less than 75,000 square feet limit the number of customers in the store at one time to 75; stores with more than 75,000 square feet limit the number of customers in the store at one time to 100.'

Make your case to local leaders, too

These arguments should be made now to state and local officials, who will make the determinations about which businesses can begin to reopen and when. Decisions may vary from one community to the next, and they may depend on how well a city or county has implemented effective public health practices.

HFA members also should stress how important home furnishings products are to American families – especially when it is likely that families will continue to spend more time at home than they have in the past.

‘Opening Up America Again'

The White House guidelines, called 'Opening Up American Again,' identify three phases based on public health factors. When infections decrease, hospitals are able to treat all patients without crisis care, systems for testing and contact tracing are in place and other criteria are met, states and communities would be ready to progress through the different phases until everything returns to normal. The plan did not state a timeline.

Business guidelines for all phases are:

'Develop and implement appropriate policies, in accordance with federal, state and local regulations and guidance, and informed by industry best practices, regarding:

  • Social distancing and protective equipment.
  • Temperature checks.
  • Sanitation.
  • Use and disinfection of common and high-traffic areas.
  • Business travel.

'Monitor workforce for indicative symptoms. Do not allow symptomatic people to physically return to work until cleared by a medical provider.

'Develop and implement policies and procedures for workforce contact tracing following employee COVID+ test.'

‘If possible, return to work in phases'

In Phase 1, employers should:

'Continue to encourage telework whenever possible and feasible with business operations. If possible, return to work in phases. Close common areas where personnel are likely to congregate and interact, or enforce strict social distancing protocols. Minimize non-essential travel and adhere to CDC guidelines regarding isolation following travel. Strongly consider special accommodations for personnel who are members of a vulnerable population.'

In Phase 2, employers should:

'Continue to encourage telework whenever possible and feasible with business operations. Close common areas where personnel are likely to congregate and interact, or enforce moderate social distancing protocols. Non-essential travel can resume. Strongly consider special accommodations for personnel who are members of a vulnerable population.'

Phase 3 is: 'Unrestricted staffing of worksites.'

Furniture stores should be among the first.



This article is intended for use by support agents and IT professionals. If you're looking for more general information about recovery options, see Recovery options in Windows 10.


There are several reasons why a Windows-based computer may have problems during startup. To troubleshoot boot problems, first determine in which of the following phases the computer gets stuck:

PhaseBoot ProcessBIOSUEFI
1PreBootMBR/PBR (Bootstrap Code)UEFI Firmware
2Windows Boot Manager%SystemDrive%bootmgrEFIMicrosoftBootbootmgfw.efi
3Windows OS Loader%SystemRoot%system32winload.exe%SystemRoot%system32winload.efi
4Windows NT OS Kernel%SystemRoot%system32ntoskrnl.exe

1. PreBoot

The PC's firmware initiates a Power-On Self Test (POST) and loads firmware settings. This pre-boot process ends when a valid system disk is detected. Firmware reads the master boot record (MBR), and then starts Windows BootManager.

2. Windows Boot Manager

Windows Boot Manager finds and starts the Windows loader (Winload.exe) on the Windows boot partition.

3. Windows operating system loader

Essential drivers required to start the Windows kernel are loaded and the kernel starts to run.

4. Windows NT OS Kernel

The kernel loads into memory the system registry hive and additional drivers that are marked as BOOT_START.

The kernel passes control to the session manager process (Smss.exe) which initializes the system session, and loads and starts the devices and drivers that are not marked BOOT_START.

Here is a summary of the boot sequence, what will be seen on the display, and typical boot problems at that point in the sequence. Before starting troubleshooting, you have to understand the outline of the boot process and display status to ensure that the issue is properly identified at the beginning of the engagement.

Click to enlarge

Each phase has a different approach to troubleshooting. This article provides troubleshooting techniques for problems that occur during the first three phases.


If the computer repeatedly boots to the recovery options, run the following command at a command prompt to break the cycle:

Bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled no

If the F8 options don't work, run the following command:

Bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy

BIOS phase

To determine whether the system has passed the BIOS phase, follow these steps:

  1. If there are any external peripherals connected to the computer, disconnect them.
  2. Check whether the hard disk drive light on the physical computer is working. If it is not working, this indicates that the startup process is stuck at the BIOS phase.
  3. Press the NumLock key to see whether the indicator light toggles on and off. If it does not, this indicates that the startup process is stuck at BIOS.

If the system is stuck at the BIOS phase, there may be a hardware problem.

Boot loader phase

If the screen is completely black except for a blinking cursor, or if you receive one of the following error codes, this indicates that the boot process is stuck in the Boot Loader phase:

  • Boot Configuration Data (BCD) missing or corrupted
  • Boot file or MBR corrupted
  • Operating system Missing
  • Boot sector missing or corrupted
  • Bootmgr missing or corrupted
  • Unable to boot due to system hive missing or corrupted

To troubleshoot this problem, use Windows installation media to start the computer, press Shift+F10 for a command prompt, and then use any of the following methods.

Method 1: Startup Repair tool

The Startup Repair tool automatically fixes many common problems. The tool also lets you quickly diagnose and repair more complex startup problems. When the computer detects a startup problem, the computer starts the Startup Repair tool. When the tool starts, it performs diagnostics. These diagnostics include analyzing startup log files to determine the cause of the problem. When the Startup Repair tool determines the cause, the tool tries to fix the problem automatically.

To do this, follow these steps.


For additional methods to start WinRE, see Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE).

  1. Start the system to the installation media for the installed version of Windows. For more information, see Create installation media for Windows.

  2. On the Install Windows screen, select Next > Repair your computer.

  3. On the System Recovery Options screen, select Next > Command Prompt.

  4. After Startup Repair, select Shutdown, then turn on your PC to see if Windows can boot properly.

The Startup Repair tool generates a log file to help you understand the startup problems and the repairs that were made. You can find the log file in the following location:


For more information see, A Stop error occurs, or the computer stops responding when you try to start Windows Vista or Windows 7

Google Chrome Crashes When Opened

Method 2: Repair Boot Codes

To repair boot codes, run the following command:

To repair the boot sector, run the following command:


Running BOOTREC together with Fixmbr overwrites only the master boot code. If the corruption in the MBR affects the partition table, running Fixmbr may not fix the problem.

Method 3: Fix BCD errors

If you receive BCD-related errors, follow these steps:

  1. Scan for all the systems that are installed. To do this, run the following command:

  2. Restart the computer to check whether the problem is fixed.

  3. If the problem is not fixed, run the following command:

  4. You might receive one of the following outputs:

If the output shows windows installation: 0, run the following commands:

After you run the command, you receive the following output:

  1. Try restarting the system.

Method 4: Replace Bootmgr

If methods 1, 2 and 3 do not fix the problem, replace the Bootmgr file from drive C to the System Reserved partition. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. At a command prompt, change the directory to the System Reserved partition.

  2. Run the attrib command to unhide the file:

  3. Run the same attrib command on the Windows (system drive):

  4. Rename the Bootmgr file as Bootmgr.old: Comburet 2 3 – professional disc burning app.

  5. Navigate to the system drive.

  6. Copy the Bootmgr file, and then paste it to the System Reserved partition.

  7. Restart the computer.

Method 5: Restore System Hive

If Windows cannot load the system registry hive into memory, you must restore the system hive. To do this, use the Windows Recovery Environment or use Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) to copy the files from the C:WindowsSystem32configRegBack to C:WindowsSystem32config.

If the problem persists, you may want to restore the system state backup to an alternative location, and then retrieve the registry hives to be replaced.


Starting in Windows 10, version 1803, Windows no longer automatically backs up the system registry to the RegBack folder.This change is by design, and is intended to help reduce the overall disk footprint size of Windows. To recover a system with a corrupt registry hive, Microsoft recommends that you use a system restore point. For more details, check this article.

Kernel Phase

If the system gets stuck during the kernel phase, you experience multiple symptoms or receive multiple error messages. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • A Stop error appears after the splash screen (Windows Logo screen).

  • Specific error code is displayed.For example, '0x00000C2' , '0x0000007B' , 'inaccessible boot device' and so on.

  • The screen is stuck at the 'spinning wheel' (rolling dots) 'system busy' icon.

  • A black screen appears after the splash screen.

To troubleshoot these problems, try the following recovery boot options one at a time.

Scenario 1: Try to start the computer in Safe mode or Last Known Good Configuration

On the Advanced Boot Options screen, try to start the computer in Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking. If either of these options works, use Event Viewer to help identify and diagnose the cause of the boot problem. To view events that are recorded in the event logs, follow these steps:

  1. Appdelete 4 2 4. Use one of the following methods to open Event Viewer:

    • Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then clickEvent Viewer.

    • Start the Event Viewer snap-in in Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

  2. In the console tree, expand Event Viewer, and then click the log that youwant to view. For example, click System log or Application log.

  3. In the details pane, double-click the event that you want to view.

  4. On the Edit menu, click Copy, open a new document in the program inwhich you want to paste the event (for example, Microsoft Word), and thenclick Paste.

  5. Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key to view the description of the previousor next event.

Clean boot

To troubleshoot problems that affect services, do a clean boot by using System Configuration (msconfig).Select Selective startup to test the services one at a time to determine which one is causing the problem. If you cannot find the cause, try including system services. However, in most cases, the problematic service is third-party.

Disable any service that you find to be faulty, and try to start the computer again by selecting Normal startup.

For detailed instructions, see How to perform a clean boot in Windows.

If the computer starts in Disable Driver Signature mode, start the computer in Disable Driver Signature Enforcement mode, and then follow the steps that are documented in the following article to determine which drivers or files require driver signature enforcement:Troubleshooting boot problem caused by missing driver signature (x64)


If the computer is a domain controller, try Directory Services Restore mode (DSRM).

This method is an important step if you encounter Stop error '0xC00002E1' or '0xC00002E2'



Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that theseproblems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk.


To troubleshoot this Stop error, follow these steps to filter the drivers:

  1. Go to Window Recovery Environment (WinRE) by putting an ISO disk of the system in the disk drive. The ISO should be of same version of Windows or a later version.

  2. Adobe illustrator 2020 v24 0 3. Open the registry.

  3. Load the system hive, and name it as 'test.'

  4. Under the following registry subkey, check for lower filter and upper filter items for Non-Microsoft Drivers:


  5. For each third-party driver that you locate, click the upper or lower filter, and then delete the value data.

  6. Search through the whole registry for similar items. Process as an appropriate, and then unload the registry hive.

  7. Restart the server in Normal mode.

For additional troubleshooting steps, see the following articles:

Mail Crashes On Open

To fix problems that occur after you install Windows updates, check for pending updates by using these steps:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window in WinRE.

  2. Run the command:

  3. If there are any pending updates, uninstall them by running the following commands:

Try to start the computer.

If the computer does not start, follow these steps:

  1. Open A Command Prompt window in WinRE, and start a text editor, such as Notepad.

  2. Navigate to the system drive, and search for windowswinsxspending.xml.

  3. If the Pending.xml file is found, rename the file as Pending.xml.old.

  4. Open the registry, and then load the component hive in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE as a test.

  5. Highlight the loaded test hive, and then search for the pendingxmlidentifier value.

  6. If the pendingxmlidentifier value exists, delete the value.

  7. Unload the test hive.

  8. Load the system hive, name it as 'test'.

  9. Navigate to the following subkey:


  10. Change the Start value from 1 to 4

  11. Unload the hive.

  12. Try to start the computer.

If the Stop error occurs late in the startup process, or if the Stop error is still being generated, you can capture a memory dump. A good memory dump can help determine the root cause of the Stop error. For details, see the following articles:

For more information about page file problems in Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016, see the following:

For more information about Stop errors, see the following Knowledge Base article:

If the dump file shows an error that is related to a driver (for example, windowssystem32driversstcvsm.sys is missing or corrupted), follow these guidelines:

  • Check the functionality that is provided by the driver. If the driver is a third-party boot driver, make sure that you understand what it does.

  • If the driver is not important and has no dependencies, load the system hive, and then disable the driver.

  • If the stop error indicates system file corruption, run the system file checker in offline mode.

    • To do this, open WinRE, open a command prompt, and then run the following command:

      For more information, see Using System File Checker (SFC) To Fix Issues

    • If there is disk corruption, run the check disk command:

    • If the Stop error indicates general registry corruption, or if you believe that new drivers or services were installed, follow these steps:

      1. Start WinRE, and open a Command Prompt window.
      2. Start a text editor, such as Notepad.
      3. Navigate to C:WindowsSystem32Config.
      4. Rename the all five hives by appending '.old' to the name.
      5. Copy all the hives from the Regback folder, paste them in the Config folder, and then try to start the computer in Normal mode.


Starting in Windows 10, version 1803, Windows no longer automatically backs up the system registry to the RegBack folder.This change is by design, and is intended to help reduce the overall disk footprint size of Windows. To recover a system with a corrupt registry hive, Microsoft recommends that you use a system restore point. For more details, check this article.

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